bon iver.

So, round two on talking about music, and I have learned that I need to link artists on this page to be able to allow easy access for people to enjoy music.

I love Justin Vernon. Serious, hardcore man-crush on him.

DJ and Bob Dylan.

I first heard Bon Iver when my friend and old roommate Doug Ferrall showed me his single “Skinny Love” a while back. (Looking back now, I realize Doug had FANTASTIC musical tastes and I definitely took that for granted, and Doug, if you read this I am sorry. You are ridiculously awesome and I miss you dearly, not just for your vinyl.)

I listened to Bon Iver quite often this past year and enjoyed For Emma, Forever Ago a crazy amount.

So going into this new album Bon Iver was entered into with quite a bit of excitement. Now I will admit, I didn’t go out and buy the album the moment it came out, partially because of money and partially because I have been wearing holes in The Crane Wives album Safe Ship, Harbored and The Black Keys album Brothers (Both will get time on here in the future, trust.) So when I first listened to this album, it was streamed on NPR’s website and I sat, with bated breath, waiting for my life to be blown away.

Initially it wasn’t. Gasp.

Now hear me out. I LOVED For Emma, so this was set up in my head as something that I wanted to blow my mind to the point that I needed to wipe it off the ceiling. So there is nothing against the first take of the album. There were times that I heard other artists in the music, like Coldplay off X&Y or a very 80’s feel for a few tracks. Not that those are bad things, it was just a bit of a switch for me because of the way that  For Emma sounded so fresh and new and raw.

Now I didn’t want to hate on the album, or cast it aside (It is Justin Vernon after all) so I have been listening to it more and more. It has been growing on me, growing quite a bit. The more I listen and see the little intricacies, I am falling in love with the album. So good job Justin, you got me and I am pushing this on everyone. That is it for this edition, click the link and enjoy, friends.



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