the civil wars.

joy and john paul

I realized today that I wanted to write a post on The Civil Wars after I watched the Tiny Desk Concert from NPR Music. I planned in my head what I would say about them, and that part came easy.

The only problem was that I couldn’t stop watching the video over and over again.

So as I sit here, I have watched it 5 times and I am now listening to it while typing and every so often I tab over to the video and just enjoy watching them perform in the NPR offices.

I came across them a while back but my friend Nate showed me this video and the vocal control that Joy has is so amazing, so I hopped over to their website and sure enough they are amazing people who have an entire album available to be downloaded FOR FREE. Yes sir, thank you sir. So after playing that over and over again, I saw the music video for the single off the new album “Barton Hollow”.  I have been blown away by the harmonies that they have together and the rubber band control they have together. So simple, so beautiful. Bare and raw. I am in love.

Buy the new album, you wont be disappointed.



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